- Date
- September 21, 2015
- Time
- 6:00p.m.
- Cost
- $10.00/pp, $5.00 students with vaild ID
- Location
- At the home of Dr. Neal & Kim Moser
3216 High Ridge Drive
Taylor Mill, KY 41015 - Directions
- Click here
- Click here
Event Information
To read our September newsletter, click here: KCRWC September2015 Newsletter
We cordially invite YOU to join us for a fun evening of chili, cornbread, wine and beer at the
Kenton County Republican Women’s Club 2015 Chili Cook-Off!
We’ve invited all Kenton County Republican legislators, elected officials and 2015 candidates to bring a large pot of their favorite “home made” chili to be judged by our members and guests.
Three winners will be chosen and awards will be given!
Monday, September 21, 2015, beginning at 6:00 pm at the home of Dr. Neal & Kim Moser, 3216 High Ridge Drive, Taylor Mill, KY 41015
Guest Speaker: Congressman Thomas Massie
COST: $10.00 / $5.00 students with valid ID
Please R.S.V.P. to Katie at: membership@kcrwc.org or via phone at 859-391-7483
Reservations must be made no later than noon on Fri., Sept. 18th!
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