2025 Meetings to be updated soon!
To receive our newsletter, please send an email to asking to be added!
Remember to please check this website and read our newsletter, emails, and Facebook posts for exact information on ALL of our meetings)!
KCRWC meetings are held on the 4th Monday of every month (with the exception of August & December when we DO NOT MEET and May when we meet on the 3rd Monday if the Memorial Day holiday falls on the 4th Monday).
We alternate our meeting times for the convenience of our professional working members who may only be able to attend in the evening due to work commitments, and for members who prefer to attend during the day due to family time in the evenings.
If transportation is needed to a meeting, please contact our Membership VP, Kathleen Bell.
Registration for daytime meetings begins at 11:30 am. The cost for lunch at the Oriental Wok (Jan., May, June & Oct.) is $25.00
Registration for evening meetings begins at 6:30 pm. Again, look for exact times and information about cost and location in our published information.
To RSVP for a meeting, please send an email with the name/s of attendee/s, and the date of the meeting by click here. Payment is accepted at the door.