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February 22nd KCRWC Meeting Information…

by Lynn on February 10, 2016

Event Information

February 22, 2016
Registration BEGINS at 11:30am with program beginning at noon until 1:30pm
Oriental Wok
317 Buttermilk Pike
Ft. Mitchell, KY 41017
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Read our February newsletter here by clicking on this link: KCRWCNewsletterFeb2016 WEB

Please join us on Monday, February 22nd at the Oriental Wok in Ft. Mitchell for our February Meeting.

Our speaker for February’s meeting will be Charlotte Wethington. She will talk about the devastation of the heroin problem, how it affected her family and Casey’s Law.  She is a powerful speaker who took a horrible situation turning it into something positive and helpful to others who are suffering from the disease of addiction.

Registration begins at 11:30 a.m., with the meeting beginning promptly at 12 noon.  The cost for the lunch is $16.00.  When you register at the door, you will take a card to place at your seat corresponding to your lunch choice of either… Pad Thai Chicken  OR  Seafood Double

PLEASE R.S.V.P. via e-mail to: or

Call Katie @ 859-391-7483

Reservations must be made NO LATER THAN NOON on Wed, February 17th

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